Wear beautiful for a better world.
KAUTE is launching a beautiful, timeless and versatile clothing capsule that inspires, brings people closer to nature and excites our customers about building a better, more sustainable world.
A true mountain to metro woman, Kathleen Crowley is a product of her Vermont upbringing, decades of living in the Tetons and her studies and travel adventures around the world. Kathleen believes that our world needs beautiful, timeless and versatile clothing to inspire us and to move our thinking forward. One could argue that we need to be inspired and uplifted more than ever. With these motivations in mind, Kathleen decided to launch a new brand that equally celebrates sustainability and high style.
We believe that you have the power to elevate your life and to shine. You can raise your thinking, your doing and the way in which you engage with the world. You are beautiful, inside and out. Our elevated pieces merely serve to reflect your beauty. When you feel beautiful and confident, your energy connects with that of nature, tapping into a vibrant harmony that spreads across the globe.
We believe that you have the power to evolve your thinking and doing. Growth is optional, but it is there for the taking. How? Look to nature and witness how a flower evolves at its own glorious pace. Start small and understand that you’re growing every day in building a more sustainable, regenerative life, for example. It’s one step at a time. We are your partner in this endeavor, as we are learning, too. Let’s journey together!
We believe that we are all here, on this earth, to live “en joie” or in joy. We can find joy in our interactions with fellow humans, with animals and with the natural world. Joy is evident in the little moments of day-to-day life. Our clothing is there for those little moments, as well as for any larger milestones along the way. We celebrate you and your desire to enjoy every day.